Meet The Team...

We have a small and committed team that work hard to produce quality products for you. We all have different hobbies and lives outside of the workplace and bring all of our creative juices together during the working week. Here are a few photographs of team members to enable you to put a face to a name when you contact us.

Jamie – Managing Director

Jamie – Managing Director

A keen Photographer, Walker and Rock Climber. Completing the coast to coast walk along Hadrians Wall, Completing the “Three Peak Callenge” Climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike & Snowdon are just some of his achievements. Not forgetting all the normal stuff that us mere mortals undertake on a Sunday morning stroll in the country! We have a feeling that a pattern is emerging as most of his walks seem to terminate in a Pub!

Kevin – Director

Kevin – Director

Our resident Golfer & Crown Green Bowler in his spare time, Kevin is another of our Directors. A qualified Aero-Engineer, he concentrates on the technical side of the manufacturing process.

Stephanie – Graphic Designer

Stephanie – Graphic Designer

Steph is our Head Designer. Her Urban Exploring pastime contributes to her creative ability ensuring we can offer a creative and on-trend Design Service to our clients. When she is not exploring abandoned buildings or producing artwork she enjoys her other hobby of creating lace decorated artifacts which are on her personal website

Lee – Designer

Lee – Designer

Lee is our Designer & Chief Photographer. In his spare time he loves taking a “Busman’s Holiday” shooting Wedding Photography and Portraits in a professional capacity. A creative genius behind both the lens and the monitor, he was a finalist in the recent Wedding Industry Awards.